Update on HPAI H5N8 – outbreak in back yard flock in Lancashire, England. 05.05.17
DEFRA issued a press release yesterday 4 May confirming H5N8 avian flu in a small backyard flock of 30 chickens at a farm near Thornton, Wyre, Lancashire
- Full details can be found under Movement Controls and Licences in the following link: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/avian-influenza-bird-flu
- The last outbreak was confirmed on 24 February
- On 28 April DEFRA announced their intention to lift the Prevention Zone in England on 15 May 2017: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/avian-flu-measures-to-be-relaxed-in-england-from-15-may
- From this date, keepers will no longer be required by law to follow specific disease prevention measures to reduce the risk of infection from wild birds. However they should continue to follow industry standard best practice on biosecurity, including minimising movement in and out of bird enclosures, cleaning footwear, keeping areas where birds live clean and tidy and feeding birds indoors.
- Flock owners in Ireland are still being advised to implement biosecurity measures – in particular feeding birds indoors or under cover
- Flock owners are also reminded to update their registration details
- A temporary, dedicated Poultry Registration and Update Unit was established by the Department to facilitate this
- The unit may be contacted on lo-call 0761064449 or by emailing PoultryRegUpdate@agriculture.gov.ie
NDCC & Veterinary International Division