Go Organic this Christmas!
The latest research from Kantar shows that the Irish organic market is currently valued at €103m (August 2011). This figure is up on figures for 2010 and does not record direct sales made which could add another 25% onto that figure. It also does not include Irish organic exports which are very strong in the meat and seafood sector.
So it appears that even in recessionary times people are buying organic, why? Most regular organic shoppers realise that there is not a huge cost differential in buying organic food and if you buy in season and directly from the producer it may even be cheaper than non organic equivalents! Taste and quality are one reason why shoppers return again and again to organic products.
An important issue for some organic consumers this year will be that by buying certified organic they are ensuring that their turkey and ham have not been fed any GM ingredients! Animals on an organic farm have been raised to the highest animal welfare standards which is also a big plus for some organic shoppers.
If the stable ingredients in your shopping trolley are fresh, unprocessed food then consider going organic for competitive value on price, quality and taste!