New Schemes to Support Horticulture Innovation and Diversification Launched

New Schemes to Support Horticulture Innovation and Diversification Launched

The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine have launched two new schemes to support innovation and diversification in the horticulture sector. The deadline for receipt of completed applications under both these schemes is midnight on Friday 23rd August 2024. The two new Schemes for Investment Aid for Innovation and Diversification in Horticulture cover:

  • Feasibility / Desk Studies, targeted at SMEs active in primary horticulture production who would like to innovate and diversify in the horticulture industry but need to carry out specific studies before proceeding. This could range from but is not limited to, feasibility studies investigating the opportunities for import substitution, studies on new varieties more suitable to Ireland’s changing climate, to the valorisation of primary production waste. The upper investment per project under the scheme is €500,000 excluding VAT, with different aid intensities of 25-100% depending on the type of study. Applications must be made by the primary producer but can also be done in partnership with a Research Institution or another entity. Further information including the application form and terms and conditions is available here.
  • Capital Investments, targeted at micro and SMEs active in primary horticulture production who wish to innovate and diversify through the use of specialised plant and equipment. This could range from but is not limited to, processing and juice-making equipment, automation equipment to improve picking and processing, to reducing to developing collaborative value chains producing new food and bio-based products. The minimum investment considered for grant aid is €10,000 excluding VAT, with an upper limit, per project of €1,000,000. Grant aid of up to 60% is available for organic growers (The standard rate is 50%). Further information including the application form and terms and conditions is available here.

All approved projects must be completed and the claim for payment along with the project report submitted to DAFM no later than 01 November 2024.

Information Webinar

DAFM are holding an open information webinar about the Innovation and Diversification Schemes on Tuesday 30th July at 11am. You can register for the event here.

Support for innovation and diversification is a high-level action of the National Strategy for Horticulture 2023-2027 (Key Strategic Action 8) to support new market opportunities and business and value chain development for new and existing enterprises, including organic production.