New Aquaculture Capital Investment and Seafood Training Schemes Open

New Aquaculture Capital Investment and Seafood Training Schemes Open

The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine announced the opening of some schemes relevant to the Aquaculture sector offered by BIM (Bord Iascaigh Mhara) Ireland’s Seafood Development Agency. These schemes include:

  • Aquaculture Capital Investment Scheme: providing grant aid of up to 50% to take advantage of technologies and enhanced knowledge to facilitate sector growth; promote the sustainable development of new and existing enterprises through productive investments in areas such as safety, animal health and welfare, and food quality and hygiene; and improve energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions including renewable energy systems.
  • Seafood Training Scheme: providing assistance up to 50-100% grant aid subject to eligibility to develop industry skills across the seafood supply chain from production to processing and retail including aquaculture

Further information about these schemes and other support is available on the BIM website.

Supports are part of the implementation of Ireland’s National Seafood Development Programme under the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund 2012-2027 (EMFAF), with the programme’s schemes designed to meet the objectives of the National Strategic Plan for Sustainable Aquaculture Development 2030.