Launch of no2gm campaign a great success!
The no2gm campaign launched successfully in glorious sunshine in the People’s Park on UN World Food Day. Keynote speaker and renowned chef, Clodagh McKenna spoke about her many years working with small Irish food producers and she stressed the hard work involved in producing high quality food products. The contribution of these producers has been extremely important in securing Ireland’s reputation as a good food island.
Clodagh stated that gm cultivation in Ireland would undermine our reputation abroad as a clean and green food island and it is crucial that Ireland does not go down this road. She also spoke about the importance of clear labelling on products that contain gm ingredients because without this information people cannot make an informed choice. Agriculture is currently playing a critical role in our economic recovery and it is important that this continues.
Other speakers at the launch included Jimmy Mulhall of Coolanowle Organic Farm and David Caviston of Caviston’s Food Emporium who both spoke passionately about the importance of keeping Ireland gm free.
With the serious business of the day completed, an environmentally themed puppet show kept both adults and children entertained at the packed Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown Food Market in The People’s Park, Dún Laoghaire.
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Note to Editor:
no2gm is a non-political, voluntary, not-for-profit organization made up of citizens and organizations who wish to protect our environment and keep Ireland free from genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
For more information contact:
Kitty Scully
no2gm National Co-ordinator
087 670 5338