DAFM launches scheme to promote multi-species swards – closes midnight April 14th!
The Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine (DAFM) has launched a new scheme to promote the sowing of multi-species swards. The DAFM aims to encourage up to 12,000ha of multi-species sward being sown by Summer/Autumn 2022, subject to farmer uptake and seed availability. Some key elements of the scheme include:
- Farmers can plant up to 20 hectares with a minimum area of 1 hectare supported
- The payment rate is €50 per 12kg bag of seed mixture purchased from a participating Co-op/Agri Retailer (Farmers accepted into the scheme will receive a discounted price on the seed purchased)
- The parcels in which the multi-species sward is to be sown must also be declared on the farmer’s 2022 Basic Payment Scheme (BPS)
- To qualify for support under the scheme, the multi-species sward mixture (including 6 species) must be purchased from a participating Co-op/Agri-retailer by 31st August 2022 (once the farmer is accepted onto the scheme)
- Farmers can register for the scheme up until midnight 14th April 2022 via Agfood.ie
The DAFM will publish a list of participating Co-op/Agri-retailers as soon as possible on the Department’s website. Agri-retailers/Co-ops can submit an expression of interest to the DAFM to participate in the scheme (see link below). Farmers are encouraged to carefully read the terms and conditions to ensure that they are fully aware of the scheme’s specific requirements. Further information is available here.
Please note organic farmers should source organic seed, if it is not available then a derogation must be sought before sowing. Organic seed availability should be checked HERE