Call for proposals to support Agri-Food Tourism Initiatives

Call for proposals to support Agri-Food Tourism Initiatives

Deadline: 24th February 2025

Funding proposals are currently open for Agri-Food Tourism Initiatives supported by the Government’s Rural Innovation and Development Fund (RIDF) for 2025. The fund can provide support towards the setup of initiatives that help rural businesses develop innovative products and services linked to artisan, local and seasonal food as well as tourism offerings. Successful initiatives can be supported up to a maximum amount of €25,000, with an expectation that applicants can demonstrate that their initiative will be self-sustainable in the longer term and can help energise the local rural economy.

Agri-food tourism includes a wide variety of activities that involve making links between agriculture and the food produced at the local or regional level. It is envisaged that one or more of the following elements will be included in each proposal:

  • Linkage of agri-food/drink or local food/artisan markets experiences with existing tourism initiatives;
  • Food/drink festivals/markets or trails or series;
  • Events which promote local food/artisan market experiences;
  • Showcase events which promote local produce, crafts, businesses, authentic culinary or traditional skills;
  • Inter-county collaborations which integrate and promote inter-county or regional agri-food experiences;
  • Allow eligible existing local rural food/artisan markets to continue, to maximise their potential and/or expand;
  • Assist rural communities who have already taken verifiable steps to establish a local food/artisan market to progress to opening stage; and
  • Funding for supports (such as websites, service provider networks, guidance/handbooks etc) or the development of agri-food trails/experiences that can be used beyond 2025.

The deadline for submission of applications is 12:00 noon on Monday 24th February 2025. Applications are assessed through a competitive process.