Field Talk – Organic Horticulture and MOPS EIP project on September 11th @Riversfield Farm, Callan, Co. Kilkenny

Field Talk – Organic Horticulture and MOPS EIP project on September 11th @Riversfield Farm, Callan, Co. Kilkenny

The next Field Talk event takes place on Tuesday September 11th at Riversfield Farm. It is owned by Vincent Grace and located just outside of Callan, in Co Kilkenny, R95 VD23. The farm is an organic horticulture farm and produces a wide range of vegetables. Topics discussed on the day will be horticulture, organic box scheme, green manures, and market outlets.

Riversfield is one of the 11 organic horticulture farms participating in the MOPS project which is a European Innovation Partnership Project and this will also be a topic for discussion on the day.

All are welcome at the walk but prior booking is essential, to book contact Tricia Notley, or ring the office in Athlone on 090 6433680.