Update on HPAI H5N8 – SECOND outbreak in backyard flock in Lancashire, England
- DEFRA confirmed their 10th outbreak of HPAI H5N8 subtype in 2017 on 6 May (& 11th during this epidemic) – in a non-commercial backyard flock of 34 birds at a farm near Thornton, Wyre, Lancashire
- This is the second outbreak confirmed in Thornton, Wyre, Lancashire since 4 May 2017, and is close to outbreaks confirmed in game birds at the end of January
- The location is in an area previously designated as a Higher Risk Area due to proximity to bodies of water with wild migratory waterfowl
- A 3 km protection zone and 10 km surveillance zone have been established to limit the risk of disease spreading and depopulation of any remaining birds is being carried out
- Full details can be found under Movement Controls and Licences in the following link: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/avian-influenza-bird-flu
- HPAI H5N8 restrictions have now been lifted in France, and restocking of duck farms has commenced
- There are still occasional reports of HPAI H5N8 being confirmed in wild birds, most recently in Austria, Finland and Italy since 28 April
- Flock owners in Ireland are still being advised to implement biosecurity measures – in particular feeding birds indoors or under cover
- Flock owners are also reminded to update their registration details
- A temporary, dedicated Poultry Registration and Update Unit was established by the Department to facilitate this
- The unit may be contacted on lo-call 0761064449 or by emailing PoultryRegUpdate@agriculture.gov.ie
CLICK HERE for more information on backyard poultry Avain Influenza Biosecurity advice
NDCC & Veterinary International Division