Department announces details on 50% grant for farm partnerships
The department has announced funding for a new farm partnership scheme. Under the scheme successful applicants will be able to claim 50% of legal,advisory and financial service costs incurred while setting up the partnership. The maximum grant is €2,500. A weighted selection criteria has been designed and certified organic farmers will obtain an additional 5 marks. For full details please see the links to the Agriland and department websites listed below;
Application process for farm partnership scheme
- The Scheme will be operated in tranches – the first tranche relating to applications received up to the period ending 30 June 2015. The next tranche, which will open in January 2016, will relate to the eligible applications received up to the end of December 2015.
- During the month of July 2015 Certificates of Registration will issue, via email, to all ‘brand new’ farm partnerships who comply with the requirements for the Register of Farm partnerships and who have been assigned an FPRN.
- On that email a link will appear directing those who wish to apply for the Collaborative Farming Grant Scheme to an ‘online’ application form.
- The ‘online’ application must be completed and submitted by 28 August 2015. Copies of the receipts for the legal, advisory and financial services incurred in the drawing up of the Farm Partnership Agreement must also be forwarded, either by email or by post before 28 August 2015. Documents being sent by post should be sent to the address below.
- The veracity of the payment receipts received will be checked through the relevant professional bodies.