Organic Farming Scheme closing date just three weeks away

Organic Farming Scheme closing date just three weeks away

The Organic Farming Scheme will close on May 29, which is just over three weeks away. IOA are asking farmers to get your applications into us as quickly as you can in order to avoid any delays.

How to join the scheme:

The OFS is now an online application so in order to join you must complete the following steps

  • Contact IOA for an application form, once this is submitted you will receive your organic licence number (You can download an application form here IOFGA-Application-Form-Farmers-and-Growers3)
  • On receipt of your completed application form IOA will immediately notify the Organic Unit of the Department that you have a licence number
  • All farmers who are not currently using the Department online services must register which you can do by going to
  • Once you have your organic licence number and you have registered online with the Department you can then proceed and complete your online application to join the Organic Farming Scheme by clicking on this link 
  • All new entrants must complete the Organic Production course before September 1st. If you have not already done the course please go to the Teagasc website to go on a waiting list

Once we receive your application form, IOA will then send out an inspector to your farm, following this your application will go before our internal certification panel and if everything is in order you will be granted your in-conversion licence. All operators must complete a 2 year conversion period. Two years from your start date you will receive your full organic licence if you are complaint with the organic regulations.

If you have any questions or need any of the above information clarified please do not hesitate to give us a call on tel 0906 433680 or email us at