Grants Available to Conserve Traditional Farm Buildings

Grants Available to Conserve Traditional Farm Buildings

Deadline: 10th March 2025

Applications are currently open for the 2025 Traditional Farm Buildings Scheme operated by the Heritage Council and co-funded by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine and the European Union.
It supports the conservation of traditional farm buildings and other structures considered to be of significant heritage value to the rural landscape. These structures may include historic yard surfaces, buildings, gates and gate pillars that form part of the working farm.

The Scheme is open to farmers active in the Organic Farming Scheme, agri-environmental schemes and European Innovation Partnerships. The application process is highly competitive, with usually 60-80 projects a year supported and grants varying from €4,000 to €30,000, accounting for up to 75% of the cost of the approved works.

Applications should be made online to the Heritage Council by 5pm on 10th March 2025. Further information about the Scheme is available here, including guidance, terms and conditions and other resources featuring successful projects.