NUTRI-KNOW is an EU project funded by Horizon Europe, running from 2023 to 2025. The project, the Irish Organic Association is part of, aims to broaden learning and practical know-how on nutrient management drawing on the outcomes of several European Innovation Partnerships for Agriculture Productivity and Sustainability (EIP-AGRI) Operational Groups.
The project is exploring the learnings of 12 EIP operational groups tackling nutrient management at different stages in the value chain, including the Maximising Organic Production Systems (MOPS) project, an EIP led by the Irish Organic Association between 2018 and 2021. MOPS sought to optimise production methods and improve the continuity of short supply chains. Other EIP-AGRI Operational Groups address:
- sustainable nutrient management practices to improve water quality;
- piloting small-scale farmer-led biorefineries;
- establishment and management of small-scale anaerobic digestion plants; and
- optimisation and utilisation of livestock manure management.
Other EIPs have been implemented in Ireland, Belgium, Italy, and Spain over the last number of years supported by the EU’s Rural Development Programme. NUTRI-KNOW seeks to collect and assess the learnings from the EIP-AGRI Operational Groups as well as relevant information on nutrient management practices and transform them into a more straight-forward and practice-oriented materials that can be used by farmers, practitioners, and other relevant end-users. All outcomes related to organic farm and land management will be made available to organic sector stakeholders over the course of the project.
Further information about NUTRI-KNOW and the latest developments can be found on the project’s dedicated website or contact Stephen Meredith to learn about the Irish Organic Association’s role in the project.
NUTRI-KNOW has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101086524