Maximizing Organic Production Systems (MOPS)


Maximizing Organic Production Systems (MOPS) was a European Innovation Partnership (EIP) Operational Group project led by the Irish Organic Association between 2018 and 2021. The MOPS project worked with 11 organic growers around the country to devise comprehensive cropping plans to optimise production and support the continuity of supply in line with growing market demands.


Meet and Learn from the Growers


MOPS also conducted short-term green manure trials on one site throughout the duration of the project to explore ways to improve sustainable practices and reduce reliance on imported nutrients in organic horticulture production. The project was complemented by building capacities for trade and collaborative supply amongst growers, both inside and outside the project as well as establishing current and future retail market demands.


The MOPS Growers Report is relevant for organic growers already operating in the sector and potential new entrants. It sets out trade/market insights, examples of organic cropping programmes, including crops and cultivars, the use of organic materials in organic production and the key findings from green manure trials.

The final project report outlines the key results of the project that led to improved land management and crop performance and significant increases in trade and sales year-on-year. A short factsheet on project outcomes is available here.

Maximizing Organic Production Systems was co- funded by the Department of Agriculture, Food, and the Marine (DAFM) under the European Union’s Rural Development Programme 2014-2020